The 2nd Malaysia Satipatthana Meditation Retreat

The Key To Open The Mind
Have you ever felt trapped,
Living at home, with a family in chaos;
Working outside, in an office with chaos;
Being alone, with a mind in chaos?
Have you ever tried to find a way out
From this chaotic world of distress and turbulence?
Perhaps in a temple, on the meditation cushion,
Sitting and walking, again and again,
Attending intensive retreats, again and again,
Prostrating and chanting, year after year,
Are these really the way out?
Why does the tranquility,
Gained through immense effort,
Dissipate in a flash,
From just a stare through someone’s eyes?
Why does the practice,
Accumulated over 10 years,
Crumble in an instant,
From just a sentence in someone’s speech?
Where exactly is the problem,
For such fragility in the practice?
What exactly went wrong,
For the suffering in the mind
has yet to diminish?
Where is the way out of suffering?
Where do we find the key to practice the way out?
Suffering arises in the mind,
Suffering ends in the mind,
The way out is in opening the mind,
With a key that leads directly to the Dhamma.
Give yourself a chance,
In this turbulent lifetime,
To know your Mind,
In the 2nd Malaysia Satipatthana Meditation Retreat.
Guiding Teachers Appointed By Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo
Ajahn Prasan Bhuddhakulsomsiri, Ajahn Nat Sriwachirawat, Ajahn Nitiya Petchpaibool, Ajahn Napatpol Kunatanasate, Ajahn Kittiya Pholkerd
Ajahn Prasan Bhuddhakulsomsiri
Ajahn Nat Sriwachirawat
Ajahn Nitiya Petchpaibool
Ajahn Napatpol Kunatanasate
Ajahn Kittiya Pholkerd
Retreat Duration
Reporting Date & Time:
Friday 12 April 2024 at 7:30am
Retreat Ends:
Tuesday 16 April 2024 at 6:00pm
Medium of Instruction
Admission Quota
Retreat Venue
The hotel is approximately 50km away from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Terminal 1 and 2. The organiser may arrange airport transfers for overseas students when necessary.
Food and Accomodation Fees
• Retreat teachings are given free of charge.
The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the retreat. In case of disputes, Shi Ne Ling Monastery reserves the right of final decision.
Contact Information
WhatsApp: +6018-919 9096
WeChat ID: godhamma
Registration Criteria
Applicable to Old Students only
i. had participated in any of the following retreat(s) in accordance with the method taught by Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo,
✅ Thailand Satipatthana Meditation Retreat
✅ Malaysia Satipatthana Meditation Retreat
✅ Online Satipatthana Meditation Retreat
ii. had not been accepted for participation in the 13th Thailand Satipatthana Meditation Retreat
Applicable to Old Students who will be attending the 13th Thailand Satipatthana Meditation Retreat
a. Participate in all the activities throughout the retreat is compulsory except during breakout sessions.
b. Clock at least 4 hours of formal practice per day during the first 4 days of the retreat.
c. Clock at least 2 hours of formal practice on the last day of the retreat.
Applicable to New Students only
i. have not participated in any offline or online Satipatthana Meditation Retreat(s) in accordance with the method taught by Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo,
ii. had listened or watched at least 30 sessions of Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo’s teachings.
Applicable to Both Old and New Students
b. If the attendance for the above falls short of the specified number of sessions, the student(s) may lose his/her eligibility to participate in the retreat.
c. Students must be physically and mentally healthy, be able to stay at the venue and participate throughout the entire retreat.
d. If the teacher deems that a student is no longer suitable to continue participating in the retreat, the student must accept the organiser’s arrangements without any condition.
Registration Instructions
• Submission of registration form does not mean that your admission is successful. The guiding teachers reserves the right of final decision on the eligibility of the student.
• During the retreat, lay students do not need to observe the eight precepts, but are required to voluntarily observe the five precepts.
• There will be audio and video recordings of the entire retreat for the purpose of Dhamma-dana. Students are not allowed to request for deletion of recordings associated with his/her interview session. Students must ensure that he/she is willing to appear on camera before registering for this retreat.
• Due to multiple restrictive conditions, the organiser will accept neither applicants without admission confirmation nor requests for services apart from this retreat (such as travel and accommodation arrangements for family members etc.).
Sorry, registration is now closed
Registration Opens: 7 December 2023 at 00:00am
Registration Ends: 12 December 2023 at 23:59pm
You will be eligible to register if you have listened or watched at least 30 sessions of Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo’s teachings before registration opens on 7 December 2023.
Anyone who has not participated in any of the following is considered as a new student, and must listen or watch at least 30 sessions of Luangpor Pramote’s teachings before registration opens on 7 December 2023,
- Thailand Satipatthana Meditation Retreat,
- Malaysia Satipatthana Meditation Retreat,
- Online Satipatthana Meditation Retreat.
You can apply to participate but will not be interviewed by the teachers unless there are excess available slots for the interview sessions.
If you stay at home, the mind tends to be easily distracted by the many external conditions. To maximise the benefits that can be gained from this retreat, all students are required to stay in the hotel throughout the entire duration of the retreat.
The retreat will be conducted mainly through spoken discourses. The teacher will adapt the teaching method according to the student’s spiritual needs which is not confined by specific form. All the teachings will be delivered in such a way that the student will gain the maximum benefit in that moment.
Once the student admission is confirmed and payment has been made, the organiser will confirm the number of rooms and proceed with payment for the meals, accommodation, and other expenses to the hotel. If a student cancels her participation for any reasons, the fee will not be refunded, and the registration cannot be transferred.
The pre-retreat cultivation will be conducted online via zoom for two months. During this period, we will listen to the teachings together for about four times a week. Except for the live broadcast of Luangpor Pramote’s teachings at 10 am on Saturdays and Sundays, the rest of the cultivation sessions will start at 8 pm on weekdays. The attendance rate must be above 80%, otherwise your eligibility to participate in this retreat may be cancelled by the organiser. If you can’t attend a certain session, you can listen to the replay, but you must report truthfully whether you have listened to the entire replay.
This is not recommended as direct bookings will not be entitled to the discounted rate provided by the hotel especially for this retreat. You will still be charged by the hotel separately for the meals and venue, resulting in higher cost at your end.
All meals for this retreat are prepared by the hotel. They include vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals. It is not compulsory to consume only vegetarian meals during the retreat.
Lay students do not need to observe the eight precepts during the retreat but are required to voluntarily observe the five precepts.
The teacher had said yes, but also said that resting in separate rooms is more beneficial to meditation.
All the students will attend the sessions together. The teacher will teach in Thai and each student will be provided with a translation receiver which can be adjusted to the corresponding channel for listening to the translation.
- On April 10, each student must conduct a COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test (ART) and send the photos or proof of test results to the organiser. If a student test positive a few days before the retreat and is still infectious, the student must withdraw from this
- Masks must be worn throughout the retreat.
- If common symptoms of the coronavirus are detected, such as fever, cough, etc., the organiser will arrange for specific tests to be done on the symptomatic students. Even if the test is negative, the student will be seated separately at the back of the hall.
If you need to travel a long distance to the retreat venue, we suggest that you check in earlier. The organiser can help to arrange the accommodation for a day earlier, including breakfast for the following day, but the costs will be borne by the students themselves. If students need to extend their stay due to later flight times, the organiser can also assist to arrange for a night’s extension. The hotel offers special rates for extended stays before and after the retreat, but these applications must be made through the organiser.
If you are a student from Malaysia, we suggest that you make your own transport arrangements. Currently, the airport transfer service is only provided to students who are coming from outside Malaysia.
To maximise the benefits that can be gained from this retreat, excessive movements to and from the hotel is not encouraged. Staying away from situations beyond our control such as traffic jams, exposure to covid infections, are crucial to minimize disruptions and delays in the learning process. Hence all students are required to stay in the hotel throughout the entire duration of the retreat.
In addition, if you are only attending the sessions and not staying in the designated hotel, you will still be charged by the hotel separately for the meals and venue. The total cost will actually be higher than the retreat accommodation package cost.
The Golden Time In This Cycle of Samsara
This time in this life,
For all of us here,
Is a very important one,
a momentous one.
For a Thai,
This is termed
“The Golden Time”.
Not just in this lifetime,
But The Golden Time among
all our rebirths within
the samsaric realms.
If you missed this opportunity,
No one can guarantee,
When you will have the chance
To encounter,
The correct teachings,
Also the most direct,
And takes the shortest time.
No one can guarantee,
When you will have
A chance like this again.
One more thing.
Please don’t be careless,
And think that our life
Is still very long,
Is still in copious supply.
Nothing in life is certain.
We are merely buying time,
For ourselves.
As time goes by,
With every passing of a second,
Our lives are shortened
By that second.
No one can guarantee,
How long we can continue
To practise walking meditation.
No one can guarantee,
If we can still walk tomorrow.
Hence, with compassion,
Lord Buddha taught,
To remind ourselves
Multiple times, every day,
That today,
May be my last day
In this life.
If we remind ourselves
In this way frequently,
We will not be negligent.
If we remind ourselves
In this way,
We will choose wisely –
Which ones are meaningful,
Which ones are beneficial,
Which ones are suitable for ourselves,
We will put in place,
Those that are meaningful.
~Ajahn Prasan Bhuddhakulsomsiri
16 July 2014, A
Retreat Discourse