Passport Information and Airport Transfer Form 護照信息及交通接送表 中文版本 English Version Passport Information and Airport Transfer Form Passport Information and Airport Transfer Form | The 2nd Malaysia Satipatthana Meditation RetreatPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 5▎This form is only applicable for the following students: i. All non-Malaysian passport holders ii. Malaysian passport holders who need airport transfer services ▎The organiser has arranged airport transfers to and from the retreat venue (KSL Esplanade Hotel, Klang, Malaysia) and the following airports: 🛬 Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 1(KLIA/Terminal 1) 🛬 Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 2(KLIA2/Terminal 2) *Please make your own transport arrangements if you are traveling to and from other international airports. ▎Please confirm and fill in the correct flight information. ▎Please use Malaysia/Singapore/Beijing/Hong Kong/Taiwan time(GMT+8)as the reference for the following flight dates and times. ▎The airport transfer costs will be borne by the organiser. You will need to arrange and bear the cost of the transfers if your flight dates are not within the transfer schedule. Airport Transfer Schedule: Pick-up: April 11: 06:00-24:00 April 12: 00:00-04:00 Drop-off: April 16: 18:00-24:00 April 17: 06:00-20:00 ▎Please submit this form by 19 February 2024. ▎Gentle reminder: 📌 The organiser has already paid for the hotel reservations. Due to the hotel's policy, reservation payments are nonrefundable. Thank you very much for your understanding. Next page ⇾Basic InformationStudent ID *Chinese Name (Please fill in the name from your registration form.) *Email *EmailConfirm EmailPlease fill in the correct email address as the notification for successful submission will be sent through this email address. Passport Type *Malaysian PassportNon-Malaysian PassportMode of Travel to Malaysia *By planeBy bus or trainDo you need airport pick-up service? *YesNoBus or train arrival date *Wednesday, 10 April 2024Thursday, 11 April 2024Friday, 12 April 2024Airport pick-up service is only available on the above dates, please arrange your own transportation for other dates.Bus or train arrival time *Please enter 24H international time, example 13:00.Bus or train arrival airport *Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 1(KLIA/Terminal 1)Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 2(KLIA2/Terminal 2)To avoid missing the transfers due to mistakes in selections, please check carefully to ensure that the arrival airport is selected correctly. Please arrange your own transportation to the retreat venue if the above options does not include your arrival airport.Do you need airport drop-off service? *YesNoBus or train departure date *Tuesday, 16 April 2024Wednesay, 17 April 2024Airport drop-off service is only available on the above dates, please arrange your own transportation for other dates.Bus or train departure time *Please enter 24H international time, example 13:00.Bus or train departure airport *Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 1(KLIA/Terminal 1)Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 2 (KLIA2/Terminal 2)To avoid missing the transfers due to mistakes in selections, please check carefully to ensure that the departure airport is selected correctly. Please arrange your own transportation to the retreat venue if the above options does not include your departure airport.⇽ Previous pageNext page ⇾Passport InformationMalaysian passport holders do not need to submit your passport information, please proceed to the next page. Passport English Name *Passport Number *Passport Expiration DateThe passport must be valid for at least 6 months before entry can be approved. Please upload a photograph of your passport information * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Image upload size should not exceed 2MB.⇽ Previous pageNext page ⇾Flight InformationThere is no need to provide flight information if your mode of transportation to the airport is by bus or train.Arrival AirportDo you need airport pick-up service (airport to retreat venue)? *YesNoArrival date *Wednesday, 10 April 2024Thursday, 11 April 2024Friday, 12 April 2024Airport pick-up service is only available on the above dates, please arrange your own transportation for other dates.Arrival time *Please enter 24H international time, example 13:00.Arrival flight number *Arrival airport *Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 1(KLIA/Terminal 1)Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 2(KLIA2/Terminal 2)To avoid missing the transfers due to mistakes in selections, please check carefully to ensure that the arrival airport is selected correctly. Please arrange your own transportation to the retreat venue if the above options does not include your arrival airport.Please upload your arrival ticket to facilitate the verification of information * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Image upload size should not exceed 2MB.Departure AirportDo you need airport drop-off service (retreat venue to airport)? *YesNoDeparture date *Tuesday, 16 April 2024Wednesay, 17 April 2024Airport drop-off service is only available on the above dates, please arrange your own transportation for other dates.Departure time *Please enter 24H international time, example 13:00.Departure flight number *Departure airport *Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 1(KLIA/Terminal 1)Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 2(KLIA2/Terminal 2)To avoid missing the transfers due to mistakes in selections, please check carefully to ensure that the departure airport is selected correctly. Please arrange your own transportation to the retreat venue if the above options does not include your departure airport.If the to and from tickets are purchased separately, please upload the departure ticket to facilitate the verification of information. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Image upload size should not exceed 2MB.⇽ Previous pageNext page⇾Thank you for your patience in answering the above questions. Please submit the form. ▎I hereby declare that all the information provided is true and accurate. I agree and accept all the decisions and arrangements made by the organiser. ▎After submission, you will receive an email notification that the form had been submitted successfully. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours of submission, please check your junk or spam mail box. If the email is not there, it may mean that the form has not have been submitted successfully. Please contact the organiser immediately. ▎The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the retreat. In case of disputes, Shi Ne Ling Monastery reserves the right of final decision. 【Contact Information】 If there are any retreat enquiries, please contact us at Email: WhatsApp: +6018-919 9096 WeChat ID: godhamma ----------------------------- Shi Ne Ling Monastery Website: App: ⇽ Previous pageSubmit