Tremendous Appreciation & Useful Links
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- 本網站《心微笑了——佛陀時代的女性證悟道跡》的大部分插圖,取自「Om โอมรัชเวทย์ Style」臉書專頁。感謝泰國畫家Om Ratchawej給予許可,讓我們得以分享其精美的佛陀故事插畫。此外,特別感謝演持發心朗讀《心微笑了》有聲書,以最美的音聲供養大眾。
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- 禮敬及隨喜以上所有為法默默付出的佛法持有者及護法者。靜慮林獻上深深地敬意與謝意。一切成就及善德皆歸於佛陀、導師及高僧大德。一切功勞都歸於製作者、譯者、參與者及成就者。至誠隨喜他們的一切善德。願一切眾生同霑法益。
在我們享有唾手可得的正法饗宴之時,有一群泰國的法工,鞠躬盡瘁地製作隆波帕默尊者以及尊者所指定的老師們之開示視頻、音頻、泰語書籍、英語書籍、CD等法寶。每每隆波及導師們的法音迴盪於寺院、大學講堂及各個弘法場合時,他們無私的身影總會出現,默默地架著攝影器材,對開示進行錄製,並對視頻及音頻做剪輯、上字幕等艱辛工作。為讓更多人同霑法益,他們將成果上傳至各個網路媒介體,其中以「Dhamma.com」為主要的網路發佈平台。這是一個專屬泰國解脫園寺(Wat Suansantidham)、隆波帕默尊者法教弘傳的重要護法團隊。
靜慮林 Shi Ne Ling Monastery 團隊 致敬
As we enjoy the grand feast of Dharma teachings, a team of Dharma workers from Thailand strive tirelessly to produce Luangpor Pramote and his designated teachers’ Dharma discourse videos, audio recordings, Thai books, English books, CD and other Dharma resources. Every time Luangpor and his designated teachers’ Dharma sounds resonate within the monastery, university lecture halls and various Dharma propagation venues, they will always appear with their camera equipment to record the Dharma discourse, to edit the video and sound recordings, to add in the subtitles etc. In order to allow more people to gain access to the Dharma teachings, they uploaded the videos and sound recordings to many media platforms, especially “Dhamma.com”. This is a team that belongs to Wat Suansantidham, it is an important Dharma protectors team that support Luangpor Pramote in his Dharma propagation.
When we could easily by the flick of our fingers be able to access the Dharma teachings, there is a team of Dharma workers from China which invest tremendous efforts to translate the Dharma teachings into Chinese, which opens up the window of opportunity for learning the Dharma for those who do not understand the Thai language. Since 2014, they actively organize the “Thailand Satipatthana Meditation Course”. They orally translated up to thousands of Dharma discourses delivered by Luangpor Pramote and his designated teachers. They transform the Dharma discourses into words and edit these words into Chinese books to be disseminated. Besides, they uploaded the Chinese videos, sound recordings, electronic books to Youku, Qlchat, Baidu, Weiyun, Ctyun etc to benefit tens of thousands of Chinese disciples. This is a Chinese window of learning which specifically belongs to Luangpor Pramote, it is known as “The Window of Dhamma”.
If without the selfless effort and hardwork by the two Dharma propagation teams mentioned above, there will not be the presence of such Dharma teachings. As we deeply appreciate and is deeply touched by their efforts, we are willing to continue with their vows, we will publish their work to the media platform which our overseas Chinese is familiar with. The Dharma discourse videos, sound recordings, electronic books will be uploaded to Website, App, Youtube, Podcasts, Pcloud, Wetransfer, hopefully our Dharma friends from overseas will be able to access and download these resources online, so that the Dharma teachings will be spread further.
Once again, we will like to express our deepest appreciation and thanks to Dhamma.com Team, Luangpor Pramote Pamojjo's Teaching Media Foundation, The Foundation for Luangpor Pramote Pamojjo’s Dhamma Teachings in Chinese, The Window of Dhamma. May all virtuous merits belong to all producers, translators, participants and achievers.
With tribute from our team at Shi Ne Ling Monastery
Tremendous Appreciation and Tribute